Launch Event Workshop The Project Launching Events

Launch Event Workshop The Project Launching Events

  • The project launching workshop had been commenced in 15th of March 2018 aiming at acquainting and building knowledge of the participants on the REDD + programs in Sudan targeting the relative entities of government institutions , CSOs , INGOs, Private sector , Multi Media and indigenous people and local communities in the targeted villages around Khartoum .
  • The event had been covered by the Radio , Television Channels and the news papers .
  • Workshop had come up with the importance of involvement of the relevant institutions for supporting of the program and activities of the REDD+ .
  • The strategy of the REDD and the climate change should be linked together to consolidate and strengthening of the forests and REDD .
  • Improving of the livelihood of the local communities and indigenous people is vital for the success of the forest and REDD + program .
  • The gum Arabic belts which covers 12 of the Sudan states needs special attention and care from the government as it is one of the factors affecting the improvement of the government economic status


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