Local Communities And Indigenous People

The local communities and indigenous people in South Kordofan state after attending the open discussion and lectures had come to know the causes of and diminishing of NWFPs and low yield of their irrigation had dug wells in conjunction with the eradication of the natural forests and relative desertification.

The public lectures and discussion on the issues and key concept of the REDD+ and the carbon emission and the role of the forests in their live had capitalized the mega role that the local communities can play in protection and conservation of the forest for the sake of the share benefit that they can gain from the program of the REDD +

Understanding of the communities culture and privacy is one of the core value of this program , while later on after assimilation of the lectures the women will show up infront of the camera to voice up their claims and suffering instead of pretending not to be photoed at the start of the lectures and discussion as know shown in the below captures .

The different catogeries of the communities had interacted with the facilitated workshops and the open awareness campaigns , women , men , youth and eldary as shown the pictures bellow


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