Project Details
Project Name: Building Resilience for Poverty Reduction (BRPR)
Project Area: West Darfur State – Republic of Sudan
Target Group: Direct: 115970 (female – 68696, male – 47274).
Donors: Irish Aid through Concern Worldwide
Duration: January 2017 to December 2021

Project Activities
- Promotion of Conservation Agriculture (Sandbanks, Promotion of vegetable growing
- Natural Regeneration of existing tree resources.
- Improving agricultural and livestock service provision in Geneina and Mornei
- Support animal vaccination campaigns on a cost recovery basis and ensure a sustainable supply chain for vaccines
- Establish 60 VS&L groups in Sisi, Mornei, Ganderni, Nabagaya.
- Promotion of small ruminants’ production and Social protection study
- Assessment of the existing water resources and Water User Committees.
- Geophysical exploration, drilling, water testing and equipping of four boreholes and construction of Hand Dug Wells (HDWs) s.
- Establishment of 25 sustainable Water User Committees.
- Establish a sustainable supply chain for hand pump spare parts for water infrastructure.
- Installation of a solar pump system with elevated tanks in Sisi IDPs camp.
- Support the establishment of a pilot sustainable water testing system for water sources in Mornei camp and Romalia
- ‘bridging’ hygiene activities based on barrier analysis
- Conduct CHAST trainings in Romalia, Ganderni, Dour sharia primary schools
- Roll out and monitor Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) activities in Dour sharia communities as part of the pilot phase which is being led by Sanitation Department.
- Construction of institutional latrines in Romalia, Ganderni and Dour Sharia.
- Support MOH to provide integrated Nutrition & Health services (CMAM, RH, IYCF, IMCI and EPI) for <5 children and Pregnant and lactating mothers at facility and community level.
- Support to Traditional Birth Attendants
- Train and Support Mother groups
- Capacity building for community health volunteers
- Support HIV/AIDS interventions
- Conduct joint monitoring visits to health facilities
- Capacity building for Ministry of Health staff
- Piloting of Participatory Cooking Sessions (PCS) methodology
- Carry out behavioural change activities